Full Supermoon in Aries – Supercharged Beginnings

Full Supermoon in Aries – Supercharged Beginnings

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This supermoon packs a powerful punch in the sign of Aries, with a grand cardinal cross and many complex aspects working in synergy. Together with the intensity of the solar flares, you may be feeling highly charged, spacey or discombobulated.

The full moon in Aries brings an energy of dynamic focus to the Sun’s transit through peace-loving Libra. This is the first full moon of a new cycle, bringing the primal fire of new beginnings to proceedings.

The most powerful aspect pattern to this moon is a grand cross in cardinal signs. This means that the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto are squaring each other in Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. A grand cross creates a very strong energy of tension with four squares and two oppositions. In cardinal signs, this could be about leadership clashes, power struggles, feeling blocked by circumstances, conflicted by choices and necessary decisions; which could lead to inertia.

We also have a grand trine in all the water signs, with Mars, Venus and Saturn. This creates a flowing emotional energy with positive connections in relationship; the ability to lay down new foundations, and find a strong balance between the feminine and masculine. Crazy Uranus is adding a kite formation into the mix, which is like a wild card energy. Do you dare to risk it to shift to the next level? You may be supported in this energetic climate, as long as you back up your actions with strategy and put in the necessary work.  

We are moving out of a Mercury Pluto square, which has created obstructions in communication this past week, and may have drawn out some toxic energy that needed to be released. Together with Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus, there have been shocks and surprises in relationships, with deep emotions emerging to be processed and cleared.

The full moon brings a culmination to this energy of purging and clearing. Issues should be reaching a resolution point now. As this is a supermoon, and we also have very strong solar energy, you may feel emotional, as the energetic shifts come into place. There is an energy of emotional flow and heightened intuition, within a holding structure where it may seem like not much is taking place outwardly. The key to this energy is be ok with whatever happens. Detach, release, come to a place of inner peace.

Mars and Pluto squaring the Libra Sun will bring out anything hindering the peace into plain sight. If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, overly emotional, or simply in a state of trance, just allow the energy to find its new balance. Powerful shifts are taking place.

We also have the Jupiter Saturn square in this blend of energies, which creates a tension between caution and optimism; fearfulness and courage; contraction and expansion; holding on and letting go. Within this we can find a state of balance, and the courage to take measured risks without being overly fearful.

The full moon is conjunct Chiron in Aries, which signifies divine masculine healing. Mars, the ruler of Aries is currently in the sign of Cancer, and the masculine is becoming more at home in the emotional realms of vulnerability. Libra, the peacemaker, opposite Moon Chiron in Aries is allowing the wounds of the masculine to come to light, where they may be purged and released.

The Moon in Aries says, leave the past behind, and be born anew.

We can allow ourselves the quality of innocence and childlike play. There comes a time to release ourselves completely from the wounds of the past, and related baggage. The healing potential of this full moon is immense.

New projects are being blessed with the energy of cardinal fire, in balance with all the elements. New leaders can emerge, those who are not swayed by externals and remember why they are here.

See it – release it – let it go. Time to empower yourself with a new, purified fire of enlightened action.

Full Supermoon 24* Aries 17 October @11.24 GMT /UT

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