Full Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – Spiritual Harvest
Full Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces – Spiritual Harvest

The Full Supermoon in Pisces is a hugely powerful and magical moon, filled with potential for emotional healing, profound sensitivity and clear dreams. The lunar eclipse marks a time of endings and beginnings, and themes of relationships are prominent.
The September full moon is known as the Harvest Moon, and this is a time to contemplate the harvest of the year, in terms of life, work, relationships, emotional investments, and the sum total of our actions. Being a universal 8 year, this principle is magnified, and we may be seeing the results of the past nine years as well.
This full moon highlights the Virgo Pisces axis, which is about humility, service, compassion and purity. While the Sun traverses the sign of Virgo the focus is on detailed work. It is an excellent time to focus on order, practicalities, mind body health, direction, and what needs attending to in the now. Pisces, the opposite sign, is chaotic and oceanic. It speak of the messy cycles of life, and how they form beautiful patterns. The sign of the mystic, it is devotional and deeply compassionate. In Pisces, we realise that All is One. Even those who hurt us deserve compassion and forgiveness, as they are part of the great divine symphony of life, woven into the tapestry for learning and soul evolution.
The full moon is conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, making this supermoon extra powerful. Neptune has been in the last degrees of Pisces for several years, and is now retrograding back towards the degree of this moon. If you have anything in the late degrees of mutable signs this will affect you very strongly. The energy of Neptune dissolves what it touches. It relates to themes of loss, dissolution, fantasy, escape, addictions, glamour; and also the higher spiritual energies of oneness, healing and divine truth.
A supermoon affects us more strongly as it is very close to the earth, and we can literally feel the pull on the waters in our body and emotional life, as the moon pulls on the tides. Everything is heightened, and reality may have a decidedly dreamy, surreal quality due to the influence of Neptune. You may be shown insights and deeper truths about relationships, and the patterns in your life.
The lunar eclipse marks the beginning of eclipse season, which culminates with the solar eclipse in Libra on 2 October. Lunar eclipses are about relationships, and this one in Pisces relates to deep emotional healing and release. In order to heal, we must release what we are carrying. The burdens of pain and suffering, anger, sadness, blame, shame, judgment, guilt and regret. When we feel the universal compassion of Pisces, we can forgive and release because it is no longer personal. Events play out due to the patterns people carry within them. Their trapped trauma, ancestral patterns and conditioning; their karma and life path; all play a role in their behaviour, and the choices that determine character. When we truly see this we can forgive and detach ourselves from situations that are draining or no longer healthy.
The Sun and Moon are also in aspect to Jupiter, the mundane ruler of Pisces. This creates a dynamic tension, and provides a key to healing the issues brought up by the lunar eclipse. Sun square Jupiter wants to expand and break out of the daily routine. You may get wild ideas and throw caution to the wind. This energy brings expansion and opportunities for abundance; and also the tendency to over-indulge and be a little reckless. Moon square Jupiter tends to magnify emotional issues. If someone is not listening to how you are feeling, you may choose to resort to drama. Issues may loom large in your mind – and the minds of others. The key to this is to look at the big picture that Jupiter is showing you. Self-control, mindfulness and staying in your own space without projecting onto others will help you navigate this energy.
With Mars in Cancer, the male aspect can be extra sensitive and touchy. It may not be the best time to broach things with the masculine, as he is dealing with mother issues and emotions that may normally be pushed down. This can be a profound time for healing the masculine within us all. Extra empathy is needed, and appreciation of the positives. With the overriding Virgo energy, it is important to try to avoid criticism and blame.
We have a Grand Trine in Earth on this day, with the Sun, Pluto and Uranus. This brings a feeling of ‘stability within the instability’. As you look back at how far you have come on your life journey, it is important to take stock, and celebrate your gains, be they spiritual or material. Where you are is where you are meant to be. This is what you have created with your energy. If you don’t like your situation, you can change it, but remember it is teaching you a valuable soul lesson. Once you realise the lesson, you are free to move on. We must honour the hidden sides of life, the dark currents and transformative energies that urge us to evolve and grow.
Another theme of Pisces is childlike creativity and play. Let us not forget the divine play of life, in Sanskrit, Leela. We live many stories and dreams, and encounter many characters. Let us not forget the lightness of life, and practise looking with wonder through the eyes of a child. As we maintain the wisdom within, we can also be born anew in each moment.
We honour the Master Artist and Divine Creator of All
Full Supermoon 25° Pisces, Lunar Eclipse, Harvest Moon on 3 September @02.34 GMT /UT