New Moon in Leo – New Beginnings in the Heart
New Moon in Leo – New Beginnings in the Heart

The New Moon in Leo brings bold changes and new beginnings in the heart. We are currently in the midst of a huge fire energy, with the Sun in Leo, Sirius rising and many solar flares affecting us. The new moon creates a pause and reset, with the opportunity to release from the heart, and make a fresh new start.
Leo season is a beautiful and challenging time, where you are challenged to be yourself to the highest degree. Living from the heart means relinquishing the trappings of the ego, and the glamours of the personality. Leo is at once the self-conscious individual, who feels themself to be the centre of their own universe; and the one who has transcended through the heart, living from humility and grace.
Mercury will go into retrograde the same day as the new moon, and we have already been feeling the effects of the shadow phase. Communications may have been strained, with differences of opinion and issues suddenly flaring in the heat of the solar rays. Communication is a theme this August, and on the new moon, it is beneficial to meditate on how you can improve your personal communication skills.
Remember to take some quiet time for yourself, to go within and reflect. Look at the houses that Mercury will retrograde through in your chart (early Virgo and late Leo). This will show you the themes that are significant for you. The first few days of retrograde will be in Virgo, and this is an excellent time for going back over the details of agreements. Checking things thoroughly, making sure they are watertight, and tidying up mental clutter are good uses of this energy. Once Mercury goes back into Leo, the themes will be about how you can get to pure authentic heart-centred communication, with no agenda or games.
Leo, fixed fire, is a powerful creative energy. On the new moon you are being asked to reflect on how you are using your divine creativity. What new path will your creativity take? How can you bring together your gifts and experience, and create something entirely new? Creativity can take many forms. Every look, every movement, every gesture is an expression of your soul essence. This is a good time to connect with your inner child, and experiment with different ways of being. Children learn through play. We can all allow ourselves to be childlike and learn new things in a fun, light-hearted way. Great magic can occur when we live like this.
You may like to contemplate on how often you are “in your head” and how often you are centred in your heart? Do you tend to overthink things, or do you sense the right way from a heart-centred knowing? Do you make decisions based on fear, or a sense of expansion and love? This new moon has a positive aspect to Jupiter, which encourages you to expand your boundaries and be more than you believe yourself to be. Many opportunities can open up to you when you step into a new way of being. When you let go, and allow your confidence to shine through, miracles can occur in your life.
The new moon also has a positive aspect to Mars, bringing energy and drive to new ventures. The sextile to Mars and Jupiter as they move towards conjunction brings great power and energy to this new moon. This is an excellent time to focus and manifest new pathways in your life. There is a huge flamboyant fire energy supporting you, illuminating your creative visions. All you need to do is to get your vision clear, and allow the divine creative energy to flow into it.
New Moon at 12* Leo on 4 August at 11.13 GMT /UT
Artwork: Brigid, Goddess of Fire & Poetry by Canvasqueenuk