New Moon in Virgo – Blessings of Divine Peace

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The New Moon in Virgo brings a pause to reflect in the ancient sign of the virgin. The qualities of Virgo are purity and refinement, precision, perfection, and hard work. As the Sun conjoins with the Moon at 11° Virgo, we are called to reflect on the details of our lives, how we can be more grounded, and where to put our focus.

The new moon is a new beginning in the lunar cycle, and the dark moon is a naturally introspective time. You may feel like spending time alone to rest and reflect, meditate and just be with yourself. Virgo calls you to pay attention to your health, make use of natural remedies, herbs and oils, and see where your body is out of balance. You may feel inspired to begin a new routine of yoga, exercise or stretching. This is an excellent time to introduce new healthy foods and supplements, and remove any excesses from your diet.

The sign of Virgo is about simplicity and peace. The energies of the summer have been very heightened, and as we enter the fall, it is a time to strip everything back and just be in that state of inner purity. Be gentle with yourself, and remember that everyone is carrying their burdens. Sometimes it is good to refrain from being too harsh on people, as we don’t know what they are dealing with. Harsh thoughts, words and actions backfire on the sender. Virgo is a very helpful, compassionate sign that helps through actions – and sometimes that is enough.

The ancient sign of the Virgin is the sign of the priestess, the one who is devoted to the sacred work. In ancient times, a virgin meant a woman who was complete unto herself. She belonged to herself, not to any man. She could still have relationships if she chose to – however she was sovereign and belonged to the Goddess. This inner purity is within us all, no matter what may have happened in our lives. On this new moon, may we reflect on the inner purity and virgin state that is sacred Divine feminine.

In the constellation of Virgo, we see the virgin carrying a wheatsheaf. In the sacred harvest, the grains of wheat must be separated and carefully removed from the chaff. This process of refinement is akin to alchemy, and purifying base metal into gold. In the wheatsheaf of the virgin is the bright star, Spica, which has the qualities of excellence and genius. This is the result of meticulous devotion to the sacred work. It doesn’t matter what circumstances arise in your life; it matters what you make of them. It is possible to alchemise anything and turn it into wisdom and an opportunity for soul evolution.

The main aspect to the new moon is an opposition to Saturn. The Sun will reach exact opposition five days after the new moon. So there may be a sense of heaviness, and a feeling of brooding over issues. There are serious matters that need to be considered.  This is a time to reflect on the harvest of the year, and where you are heading as we enter the Equinox.

Some questions to reflect on in your meditation:

How have I developed my gifts and abilities this year? How can I develop them further?

What experiences have I gone through that I need to process and refine within myself?

What toxins and excess baggage can I eliminate from my life, on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels?

Where is the alchemist’s gold in the life I have lived so far? What is my true brilliance of soul?

This new moon is a time to pause, reflect and be kind to yourself. Give thanks for everything you have. An attitude of simplicity and gratitude will go a long way towards healing and peace of mind.

New Moon 11° Virgo on 3 September @01.55 GMT /UT

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