September Energies – Autumn Equinox – Entering the Fall

September Energies – Autumn Equinox – Entering the Fall

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Welcome to the month of September, with its earthy energies of grounded focus. We enter the Equinox, one of the four major turning points of the year. This month is very powerful for the healing of the masculine, and divine feminine empowerment and healing.

We begin the month with the Sun in Virgo. Virgo season is about focused work, precision and attention to detail. With Mercury in Leo, communications are still flamboyant from the heightened energies of summer. Venus in Libra, and Mars in Gemini bring intellectual stimulation to relationships, as the masculine and feminine communicate in the mental element of air.

Pluto retrograde has re-entered Capricorn and will remain there until 19 November. This is a reminder of what we have been through collectively since 2008, how the world has changed, and what our role is in these changes. We are letting go of materialism, recognising what is really important, and learning to build new structures imbued with spirit.

3 September: the New Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn brings the focus to shifting energy blocks, being at peace within yourself, and clearing any obstructions in your health, environment and life.

4 September: Mars enters Cancer and we enter a powerful time of divine masculine healing. It might not seem like it at times, but the masculine energy is being forced to reflect on the emotional life as he swims in the nurturing ocean of Cancer, the Mother. He might find it challenging and uncomfortable. Mother issues may surface, and men may feel more easily triggered by women, with the desire not to be controlled. This can be a profound time of opening and healing, as we hold the masculine in a tender embrace within ourselves.

5 September: Venus at the Sacral Chakra Gate – Ascent of Inanna

Venus conjuncts the Moon in Libra, as Inanna ascends to the Sacral Chakra on her journey of reclaiming her gifts. Black Moon Lilith and Juno are moving alongside Venus, bringing a deep dive into the dark goddess, and the suppressed dark feminine. Juno is calling us to the qualities of the sacred consort, and the divine partner who seeks equal relationship.

7 September: the Sun Saturn opposition will influence us for five days either side of this date, bringing a serious tone, consideration of weighty issues, and awareness of blocks inner and outer. This can be the perfect time to focus in one area.

9 September: Mercury enters Virgo and the planet of mind becomes very analytical and precise. Details become very important in conversations, and there can be a tendency to be overly critical. This transit is good for focused work and study.

17 September: Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 24* Pisces – Harvest Moon

This powerful supermoon is conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, so expect emotions to flow. The energy of Neptune washes away everything you no longer need, like the stormy seas of Poseidon. Emotional healing, cleansing, and release will be magnified at this time. You will be shown what you need to release, in order to connect to a deeper level of sensitivity and truth. This moon has many potent aspects, including a T-square to Jupiter, the mundane ruler of Pisces, bringing the urge to grow, expand, and generate new abundance.

22 September: Sun enters Libra – Autumn Equinox  12.44 GMT /UT

On the Equinox, the day and night are of equal length, and we enter the season of balance, illustrated by the scales of Libra, Lady Justice. The Sun enters its fall, beginning the descent towards the Winter Solstice. This is a time of balance in all things, and a powerful window of time to meditate. The Sun is forming a Grand Trine with Pluto and the Moon Uranus conjunction. Be prepared to be shown the darkness of the descent, and surprising new shifts to help you elevate to a new level within.

23 September: Venus enters Scorpio and love becomes deep and intense. With the Sun in Libra and Venus in Scorpio, this is a very romantic and passionate time for lovers. Deep emotions will surface, along with relationship ideals. Venus in Scorpio is capable of absolute devotion, and is dangerous when scorned. This is a good time to clear out any past hurts and betrayals.

26 September: Mercury enters Libra and thoughts become logical, airy and balanced. This is a great time for communication of all kinds: speaking, writing, blogging and sharing ideas.

Jupiter is continuing his stint in Gemini, bringing the spotlight onto communications, also exposing the duality of the mind. The planet of expansion continues to square Saturn retrograde in Pisces, causing tension between the desire to expand, and the need for caution and restraint. There are some challenging aspects in the last few days of September, leading up to the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on 2 October. The eclipse window, between the lunar and solar eclipses, is a time of deep purification and transformation.

Wishing you a blessed and powerful month

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