Venus Conjunct the South Node in the Natal Chart

Venus Conjunct the South Node in the Natal Chart

collage style artwork of a woman with a slice of mirror held to her face, staring off away from the reflectioncollage style artwork of a woman with a slice of mirror held to her face, staring off away from the reflection

Venus conjunct the South Node in the natal chart grants an intrinsic connection to beauty and purifying processes that unfold through love relationships.

Venus conjunct the South Node brings unique karma to Venus-ruled aspects of life. Beauty, love, and relationships with women are affected by this placement in the natal chart.

The North and South Node are complex. They involve a continual pushing and pulling of energies. The North Node is often associated with hunger and gain while the South Node is considered a point of release.

The South Node is associated with:

  • the past
  • a draining or release of energy
  • loss
  • inherent talents and abilities
  • escapism

Both the North and South Node can be points of self-undoing, and they can also be dharmic guideposts, indicating inherent gifts and points of development.

When a planet, such as Venus, is conjunct the South Node, we hold some interesting karma surrounding its expression in our lives. We need to develop our awareness of its energies and continually become more conscious of the way we relate to its energy.

We need to understand the gifts of our Nodal planetary conjunction and also be aware of how it may hold us back. And we need to learn to channel and integrate its energy with the sign and house of the North Node.

Venus South Node People and Personalities: Talents and Struggles Delivered Through the Demon’s Tail

The South Node can reveal aspects carried over from the past. Many people connect South Node stories to past lives. However you explain your ingrained history, story, and patterns, the South Node is a significant part of these pieces.

Tied to the South Node are:

  • inherited traits
  • subconscious patterns
  • karmic imprints
  • natural skills and talents

With Venus conjunct the South Node, there are often gifts related to the Venusian sphere. Venus-South Node people have an eye for things. They may be skilled in beautification practices, for example, or otherwise artistically inclined.

And they often get trapped in their attention to Venusian desires. Love, beauty, and money can be hooks.

Those with this placement often know how to use their social skills to their advantage. With a natural ability for charm, these individuals can fall into the trap of relying too heavily on their seductive tendencies. Developing authentic self-expression is important work for these people.

Beauty, relationality, and love hold strong patterns and energies that one must become more aware of over the course of their life. Sometimes this involves letting go of people-pleasing tendencies. Experiences involving beauty, attraction, and love may involve purging or loss.

With the South Node, some kind of purification is indicated. Here, purification processes may involve letting go of the need for external validation and the tendency to form a self-concept based on relationships. They may also involve purging or cleansing of one’s relationship to pleasure.

Love and Loss with Venus on the South Node

Venus is the planet of love. Connection, harmony, affection, flirtation, and sensual experience are all connected to Venus. So are jealousy and gossip.

With a Venus-South Node conjunction in the natal chart, there may be challenges in relationships with sisters, aunts, or other important women in life. The South Node brings separation, severing, and draining, so some type of loss may be experienced in these relationships.

Romantic relationships are also affected by this placement. With the South Node conjunct Venus, a cleansing of Venusian energies is indicated and purifying processes may be experienced through love relationships.

In general, loss and gain may be tied up in love and relationships with women.

There is a tendency to regress with the South Node, thus, when Venus is heavily influenced by the South Node, it is important to grow and develop Venusian energies. Throughout one’s lifetime, there may be processes of cleansing and release that ultimately allow one to polish and refine their Venusian expressions and experiences.

Interpreting Venus and the South Node Through Sign and House Placement

Where is Venus in the chart? What sign and house is she placed in? How does she interact with other planets?

Venus’ condition—her experience as read in the chart—details the Nodal processes and should be considered.

If the Venus South Node conjunction is in Capricorn, for example, Venusian drives will involve earthy tangible results. Inner strength is likely to be theme and the South Node will process this energy. The North Node in Cancer is also bound to this Nodal story With Venus and South Node conjunct in Libra, people pleasing scenarios will strongly play into the picture and the fiery directionality of the North Node in Aries will point towards new relational strategies.

channeling Venus-South Node gifts into North Node expressions

A Venus-South Node conjunction often bestows innate creative abilities. These individuals may be naturally artistic, musically gifted, or talented writers.

With this placement, Venusian processes can be refined and regenerated in the direction of the North Node. In fact, it is very helpful for these individuals to channel energy into creative practices.

The North and the South Node work together (as well as against each other!). When Venus is conjunct the South Node, she is opposite the North Node. Thus, energies digested by the South Node can be brought into creative personal expressions.

Zora Neale Hurston (who had a Sagittarius Moon and Venus conjunct the South Node) is a good example of someone who effectively channeled Venus-South Node gifts into North Node expressions. Her most famous work, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is filled with Venusian-South Node themes such as love, loss, and the unfolding process of feminine identity. Hurston’s rich and poetic language beautifully demonstrates the integration of Sagittarian wisdom with the linguistic talents of her Gemini South Node.

Famous Venus South Node People

There are a lot of fascinating examples of the Venus-South Node conjunction.

Britney Spears, for example, has this conjunction in Capricorn and carries strong signatures of the Venus-South Node placement. Her story involves the gifts and challenges that come from innate beauty and creative talents. Her ability to captivate through feminine expression has brought both loss and gain to her life. Additionally, her struggles in love and in important relationships with women in her life are representative of the South Node’s complex purification processes delivered through Venus.

EB White is a cool example of the Venus-South Node conjunction at work. White had an out of sign (but very close) conjunction between his Cancer Venus and Gemini South Node. His timeless work, The Elements of Style, beautifully represents how the South Node can be effectively put to work breaking down and purifying, purposefully merging Venusian talents with the refining abilities of the South Node.

And Henry XVIII, who famously cut off the heads of his wives, had the South Node (aka Ketu, the headless half of a demon) on his natal Venus, the planet of love and women, offering an uncomfortably literal expression of this energy!

Other notable Venus-South Node people include:
Cameron Diaz (Cancer)
Robin Williams (Virgo)
Warren Buffett (Libra)
Jennifer Lawrence (Leo)
Nelson Mandela (Gemini)
Hunter S Thompson (Gemini)
Drew Barrymore (Aries)
Jeffree Star (Scorpio)
Louis Vitton (Virgo)
Lil Kim (Gemini)
Faith Evans (Cancer)
Christian Dior (Pisces)
Michael Keaton (Virgo)
Cassie Ventura (Libra)
Armie Hammer (Libra)
Judd Apatow (Libra)
Annette Benning (Aries)
James Van Der Beek (Aries)
Axl Rose (w/ Sun in Aquarius)
Kelly Rowland (Aquarius)
Claire Danes (Pisces)
Neil Patrick Harris (Cancer)

glowing full moon with pinkish huesglowing full moon with pinkish hues
Venus Conjunct the South Node in the Natal Chart 6

The Moon in our natal chart reveals much about our personal soft spots. Our emotional nature, instinctive reactions, and protective tendencies are tied to our natal Moon. Discover how your Moon expresses through its zodiac sign.

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